Upcoming Events
"If Marx Knew About the Microbiome"
American Philosophical Association (Pacific Division) 2023,
San Francisco, CA
Past Events

Keynote Speaker
McNair & ROP Emerging Scholars Ceremony `
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
"Wilson Usedo: Si Se Puede" Award Recipient
& Class of 2021 Graduation Ceremony
Latino Cultural Center
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Invited Talks (non-exhaustive)
“Why Colonization is an Oversimplified Story of Hispanidad”
Hispanic Heritage Month Speaker Series
Scottsdale Community College, Scottsdale, AZ.
“Binti and Africanfuturism”
Center for Ethics.
Muhlenberg College, Allentown, PA.
“Mujerista Ethics: Reimagining Self-Ownership”
Phil/Rels Conversations: Department of Philosophy and Religious Studies.
Ball State University, Muncie, IN.
“The Non-Hispanic "Hispanics: Gitanos Adding more Complexity to the Ethnorace”
Hispanic Heritage Month Series: Latinx & Latin American Studies, and Department of Philosophy.
SUNY (State University of New York), Cortland, NY.
"How Does Capitalism Create an Identity Crisis for Our Species?"
PurSysT (Purdue Systems Thinkers) Colloquium Series.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
“The Double-Standard of Nomadism: Who’s Allowed to Move? On Gitanos ("Gypsies") of Spain,”
RPA Panel: Radical and Indigenous Philosophy.
American Philosophical Association (APA) Central Division, Chicago, IL.
“Capitalism and Human Nature,”
Purdue Polymath Society Colloquium.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Presentations (non-exhaustive)
“Bread for the Body, Roses for the Soul: The Revolution Must Demand Health,”
Radical Philosophy Association 15th Biennial Conference: “The Point is to Change it”.
University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL.
“Teaching Philosophy of Race,”
Teaching the Philosophy of Race Panel/Symposium.
Philosophy of Education Society, Pittsburg, PA.
“The Womanist and Mujerista Critique of Self-Ownership,”
Inclusive Philosophies Conference
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
"The Fetishization of Individual Freedom: How a False Social Ontology Has Taken Over the World, and What Can Be Put in Its Place,"
12th Biennial RPA Conference: 21st-Century Socialism, Concepts and Visions.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
“Finding Consistency Between Social Ontology and Political Arrangements: A Critique of the Neoliberal Concept of Human,”
Graduate Student Symposium.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
“Organizing the Precariat Class as a Strategy for Systemic Transformation,”
Renovación Socialista y Crisis Capitalista conference.
University of Havana, Havana, Cuba.
“Deterritorializing Paris: The Situationist International as a Nomadic War Machine,”
Stony Brook University Philosophy and the Arts Conference.
Stony Brook University, New York, NY.
“The Paris Commune,”
International Socialist Organization Lecture Series.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
“An Analysis of Creativity as a Cure to the Existential Crisis,”
The 13th National Conference for McNair Scholars.
University of Maryland, College Park, MD.
“Warhol Enacting Heidegger’s Transition to the Postmodern,”
UNM Undergraduate Research & Creativity Conference.
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
“The Imaginarium of Dr. Parnassus and Philosophy,”
Phi Sigma Tau Film and Philosophy Series.
University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM.
Victor Guerra’s “How to Deal with Kant’s Racism: In and Out of the Classroom”
Race and Education Panel.
American Philosophical Association (APA) Eastern Division Meeting, New York, NY.
Elvira Basevich's "What is an Anti-Racist Philosophy of Race in Kant and Hegel?"
Hegel and the Unity of Science Conference.
Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN.
Author Meets Critics: Linda Martin Alcoff’s “Rape and Resistance”
American Philosophical Association (APA) Central Division Meeting, Denver, CO.
Panel: “Non-Violence and Suffering,”
12th Biennial RPA Conference: 21st-Century Socialism, Concepts and Visions.
University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY.
Panel: “Power, Violence, and Vulnerability”
Philosophy Born of Struggle. Theorizing within Revolt: Black Power, Black Life, & Black Thought -
The Role of Africana Philosophy in 21st Century Struggles.
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX.